Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Greatest Discovery

When I was working and observing people(which is my hobby), I discovered that no matter how much you know in terms of knowledge, it's totally different when you put what you have learnt into practice.

That's when I discovered that being rich is a state of mind and not a thing to acquire. All rich people spend their time in sharpening and honing their skill in attracting more wealth into their life. The word "JOB" stands for Just Over Broke. That right! If you have a job and if that's your only income, then you will always be "just over broke". The rich consider a JOB as a waste of their time.

Before we get into what is the richest game in the world, we must understand who are the players in this game.

First you have the Employees.

Second is the Self Employed or Small Business Owner.

Third is the Business Man

And the forth is the Investor.

You can always tell from their Language, which category they fall under.

An employee will always ask "I want a safe secure job with benefits."

A self employed or small business owner will say things like " I charge you by the hour or I charge 5% for one job."

A businessman will say things like "I am looking for a system and the best minds to expand my business."

An investor will say things like "What is my ROI(Return On Investment) and how soon can I see my money back?"

Each have different Emotions that drive them.

An employee is driven by Fear and Insecurity. They often don't plan for the future and live only for today.

A self employed is driven by pride and is usually a perfectionist. You will find doctors, lawyers and skilled craftsman in this category.

A business man is driven by patients. They can go for years without being paid.

An investor is totally different as they are unemotional. To them, it doesn't matter what happens, they make money either way. It just a matter of how much they make and how soon they see their money back.

Knowing this different players and what drives them will help you in identify which group you fall in and chart out your growth as a person. Which eventually will determine what kind of life you will live.

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